New Madinah College Newsletter

New Madinah Times
An introduction from the IT Manager
Hello, everyone!
My name is Evan, and IT and Infrastructure Manager for New Madinah College. I’d like to finally share some exciting new developments that are currently underway with our network, internet, and website. We have been working diligently to enhance our technological infrastructure to provide an exceptional online experience for our students, parents, and staff. Let’s dive into the details!
A Superfast Internet: We are thrilled to announce that we are upgrading our internet connection to a superfast speed. Telstra have found a way to install an Optic Fiber connection to the college, allowing for seamless online activities, smoother video conferencing, and faster access to digital resources. With this superfast internet, we aim to provide an uninterrupted and efficient learning environment for our students and enable our teachers to deliver engaging and interactive lessons.
Website Enhancement: Our website is undergoing a significant update to make it more informative and user-friendly. We have carefully redesigned the layout and navigation to ensure that visitors can easily find the information they need. We are also adding a Parent Only section, and a Teacher Only section, to keep you up to date with your child’s education. The updated website will showcase the various programs and activities offered at New Madinah College, as well as provide comprehensive details about our curriculum, admission process, and staff. We believe that this enhanced website will effectively connect with prospective students, teachers, and parents, encouraging them to explore all that our college has to offer.
Optimised for Recruitment: I would like to highlight that we are continually seeking specialised teachers for each of the Key Learning Areas at New Madinah College. Our aim is to provide our students with the highest quality education across all disciplines. By recruiting teachers who possess expertise in specific subjects, we can ensure a comprehensive and enriching learning experience.
Global Teaching Techniques: As part of our commitment for innovative and effective teaching practices, we are further developing our teaching systems through Microsoft and Google Classrooms. These digital platforms enable our teachers to create engaging and interactive online learning environments. With Microsoft and Google Classrooms, our students can utilise complete products from the Microsoft Suite, facilitating collaborative assignments, access to educational resources, and seamless integration with other digital tools. We believe that these enhanced teaching systems will empower our students and teachers alike, enabling them to embrace the full potential of digital learning. With the updated internet connection, and to further enhance our teaching practices, we are actively building external systems to bring new teaching techniques from around the world to our college. We understand the importance of staying at the forefront of educational innovation and continuously evolving our instructional methods.
By integrating global teaching techniques, we aim to provide our students with a diverse and dynamic learning environment, equipping them with the skills necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing world. The updated website highlights our unique educational approach, our commitment to fostering a nurturing environment, and the numerous opportunities for growth and development available to our students. By showcasing these aspects effectively, we aim to encourage talented individuals to join our community and become a part of our educational journey.
Social Media Presence: We understand the importance of connecting with our community through various channels. Therefore, we have strengthened our social media presence to provide additional avenues for people to contact us. Our social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, offer a convenient and interactive way for parents, students, and interested individuals to engage with us, ask questions, and stay updated on the latest news and events happening at New Madinah College. We encourage you all to follow and connect with us on these platforms. If anyone has any questions or concerns, I can be contacted through my email address –
School Photos 31st May
Public Holiday 12th June
Athletics Carnival 23rd June
Kindergarden – Ruby
As salaamu alaykum
I hope you all enjoyed the time with your families over the school holidays and had a wonderful time celebrating Eid. Our Kindergarten students have made a fantastic start to the second term of their schooling life. The students are now all very much into the routine of school. They are all working very hard and are most definitely bright little shining lights in our school community. The students have been working exceptionally well in all subjects this term.
However, I would like to draw particular attention in this newsletter edition, to the morning English sessions in Kindy. This daily two-hour learning block is jammed packed full of many exciting and interesting activities. The students get through a lot of work during this time, and they work at a fast pace. They transition between activities well and are showing great stamina and dedication to their learning. I am very proud of them. The students participate with great enthusiasm, an amazing work ethic and determination throughout the school day. It was great to have the opportunity to share some of the writing, spelling, and reading activities with the students’ parents at the recent parent/teacher interviews. The look of pride on the parents faces when seeing the quality and quantity of work that our little people are producing was wonderful to see. The students have all made very pleasing progress after only just over 60 days of school.
I would like to make mention and thank all the parents of our Kindergarten students. Every Kindergarten student had a parent attend the recent parent-teacher interviews. Thank you for making the time to come along to this session. Having worked in community schools for twenty years, I very much value the importance of ensuring significant time is devoted to the involvement of parents and having parents and teachers working together. This partnership is paramount in the education of our children. So, thank you once again for engagement and your continued support. Your support doesn’t go unnoticed.
The next few weeks will be busy for our students, with the assessment period beginning. You may recall from the recent parent-teacher interviews, suggested activities, and areas of needs to focus on. Further suggestions and key dates will be provided on Seesaw. So please keep an eye out for notifications you receive over the coming weeks. Thanks again for your continued support.

1 Pearl
As salaamu alaykum
Year 1 is having a wonderful start to the Term. They have achieved remarkable results in Term 1 and are continuing to work hard in Term 2. Our literary focus has been to write narratives. We have learnt about the structure and language features and Year 1 have been able to write some wonderful sizzling starts. In Maths, time and 2D shapes have been our focal point. We are now experts on all the days of the week, the months of the year and the seasons. The pictures demonstrate Year 1’s understanding of 2D shapes. They made robots by drawing and cutting out different types of quadrilaterals. It has been pleasant to watch the students learn and evolve. Looking forward to the next half of the year.
Thank you, 1 Pearl
Ms Bryla
2 Pearl
As salaamu alaykum
What an incredible start to Term 2 it has been for Year 2. We have started this term working on the material world, creating robots made from all different types of materials. They loved this project and enjoyed exploring the different types of materials provided. In history we are looking at changes of technology and how it has changed over time. Most of the students were amazed by the progression of telephones. I am very pleased to say that Year 2 are working well together and are settling back to routine nicely.
Just a friendly reminder that homework is due every Friday followed with a spelling test in class. Also, this coming Wednesday will be school photos so please be mindful to have full school uniform on, there will be an update on class dojo of when sports will be on. For any further questions please feel free to contact me on class dojo.
JazakumAllahu khayrun
Mrs Sarah Hamdan
3/4 Emerald
As salaamu alaykum
Welcome back to Term 2! We are already halfway through the term, and we have been working hard. Year 3 and 4 have been completing a novel study on the BFG and we started creating our own giants. Our class has been doing a lot of group work, including creating posters about the different types of puppets and researching historic transport. We have been eagerly preparing for the Athletics Carnival, and realised how heavy a shotput feels in our hands.
Our class will be competing in a Mathletics event, in class, during Week 9. Keep practising all areas of Mathematics to be prepared.
Reconciliation week is next week. We have been learning all about the importance of cultural diversity and exploring how to recognise and respect our own culture, as well as other’s.
The assessment schedule for this term has been sent out, please ensure your child attends school to be prepared for these assessments. It is especially important for your child to attend when we have assessments. Homework is to be returned each Friday for marking, but I understand if things come up, just contact me to let me know.
Mrs Amelia Bowden

5 Sapphire
As salaamu alaykum
Year 5 have had an exciting start to Term 2 learning about some interesting topics in Science and History. For Science we are learning about the different states of matter and the students were able to make slime from scratch which they really enjoyed. In History this term, the Year 5 have been learning about the Gold Rush and are fascinated with this particular era and all that it encompasses.
Year 5 have also been learning about informative texts for English and have just commenced a deep dive in the learning about time in Maths. I am looking forward to finishing off this term strong with Year 5 and helping them get through this challenging but rewarding half yearly assessment period.
Mr Marcel Boulad

6 Sapphire
As salaamu alaykum parents,
This term Year 6 have ha d the privilege to participate in our new horse riding program. The students have thoroughly enjoyed this experience and have been learning all about the basics of horse riding and training. Recently they have been shown how to properly tack up the horse and learnt about the links between horse riding and Islam.
Students have learnt a variety of topics this term in Mathematics . With the use of hands-on materials and additional supports such as specialist mathematics teachers the class have progressed through short division, long division and is currently working on BODMAS.
In English we been studying persuasive texts and fantasy narratives. Recently students put their skills to the test and composed a partner persuasive text on the topic that “City life is better to country life”. The class also composed an individual persuasive text on “The need to have a therapy pet”.
In music we have been learning a new Nasheed and have been singing it to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of various musical concepts.
Overall I am very pleased with the students progress this term and how far they have come individually and as a team.
Thank you
Ms Donna Tyrrell
7-8 Diamond
As salaamu alaykum
Horse Riding
This term the horses complained crying “Where are my young riders”? They waited earnestly until Nayday I mean Thursday. Waiting for that special moment Nay I mean Noon. Galloping into the horizon. Trotting away into the afternoon. Highschool became Horseschool.
WHEN – Every Thursday 12-2:30pm
Let’s sew away. That’s right. Stage 5 (Years 9/10) have been sewing this term. Trained by the trainer herself Ms Amina. The students have been learning the basics of sewing and working towards ultimately becoming tailors if they wish. Tailors or not it is a life-long skill, you never know when you will need it. Don’t GO AWAY- SEW AWAY.
Kind regards,
Mr Ekmal Iqbal
9-10 Opal
As salaamu alaykum
My name is Mr Samuel Rothe and I am very happy to say that I have had the pleasure of joining the team at New Madinah College. I have been getting to know all the amazing students in High School and can honestly say that they are all a great bunch of kids. In Mathematics stage 4 have been developing some excellent skills in solving linear and simple quadratic equations.
Stage 5 are learning about data sets and how they can be compared using measures of central tenancy (mean, median and mode) and measures of spread (such as Interquartile Range and Standard Deviation).
Looking forward to seeing how both classes perform on their test today (Friday).

A message from Admin
As salaamu alaykum
In sha Allah everyone has recovered well from the holidays and you have settled back down into your regular routine. We have exciting things coming up at New Madinah College. Our students have been getting ready for the athletics carnival later this term and have been practicing regularly all the different sports involved. Our school photos are coming up this Wednesday so please make sure your children are dressed in full school uniform . We have welcomed a few new staff members this term to our team and are pleased to say they are all fitting in brilliantly.
Our horse riding program has been absolutely amazing and Sheik Feiz has been very impressed with our students behaviour and knowledge of the horses. They have been learning all about the basics of horse training; how to saddle and mount the horses safely and appropriately.
As you will no doubt notice our school has also improved on our car park and there are new signs to look out for the safety of our students and staff. Please adhere to the signage and also remember to drop your kids off at the green gate in the morning . School starts at 8.30am and there will be no supervision before this time . Students who arrive at 8am are to go straight through to the hall to attend the Quran recitation classes held by Sheik Ayad and Mr Ekmal.
Our staff have truly enjoyed Term 2 with our students and look forward to what is still to come.
JazakAllahu Khayrun
Arabic and Islamic Studies
As salaamu alaykum ,
This term Kindergarten have been learning about الاشكال Shapes in Arabic. They are comprehending the name of the shape in Arabic. They really enjoyed learning the Arabic word for square مربع , triangle مثلث circle دائره and rectangle مستطيل.
Year 1 are learning to recite Surat Al Qadr. We discussed it’s meaning and the students were really intrigued by it. They had a full understanding of this Surah.
Year 2 are learning to recite Surat Al Alaq. We have spent time learning to understand it’s meaning. Year 2 are also learning how to pronounce the Days of the Week in Arabic.
High School students are being taught horse riding skills this Term. This is a Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). Every Thursday, students are going to a riding ranch in Young, to participate in horse riding lessons. They are being educated on different types of horses, horse safety, getting on a horse and more enthusiastically riding one!! They are having a great time.